Mastering the Art of Reinforcement Learning: A Deep Dive for Intermediate Programmers

Simon Bergeron
5 min readSep 10, 2024

Welcome, fellow coders! Today, we’re embarking on an exciting journey into the complex world of Reinforcement Learning (RL). As an intermediate programmer, you are about to unlock the secrets and intricacies of one of the most powerful paradigms in the field of machine learning. Buckle up, because we are going to explore RL from the ground up, dissect real-world scripts, and uncover its diverse applications across various industries, including gaming, robotics, finance, and healthcare.

The RL Odyssey: From Basics to Brilliance

Imagine you are teaching a robot to play chess. You cannot explicitly program every possible move it can make, as the game is complex and full of possibilities. However, you can reward the robot for making good moves and penalize it for making bad ones. This rewarding and punishing system is the essence of Reinforcement Learning — a method where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment. The agent learns from the consequences of its actions, gradually improving its performance over time.

How RL Works: Reinforcement Learning involves an agent interacting with an environment to achieve a goal. The process includes:

  1. Exploration: The agent explores different actions to understand their effects on the environment.
  2. Exploitation: Based on the knowledge gained, the agent exploits known strategies to maximize rewards.
  3. Feedback Loop: The environment provides feedback in the form of rewards or penalties, helping the agent adjust its behavior.

The RL Trinity: Agent, Environment, and Reward

  1. Agent: Our agent, which in this case is the chess-playing robot. The agent is responsible for taking actions based on its current state and the knowledge it has acquired through experience.
  2. Environment: The world in which the agent operates, represented by the chessboard in our example. The environment makes up everything the agent interacts with and influences its decision-making process.
  3. Reward: The feedback mechanism that informs the agent about the success or failure of its actions. Winning a game is considered a good outcome (positive reward), while losing is viewed as a bad outcome (negative reward).

The agent’s ultimate goal is to maximize its cumulative reward over time. While this concept may seem simple in theory, the practical implementation can be mind-bending and complex, requiring careful consideration of various factors and strategies.

RL Algorithms: Your Arsenal for Intelligent Decision-Making

Value-Based Methods: Value-based methods focus on estimating the value of states or actions to make decisions. They work by evaluating the potential rewards of different actions in given states.

Q-Learning: Q-Learning is a foundational value-based method that helps agents learn the optimal action-selection policy by estimating the value of actions.

Policy-Based Methods: Policy-based methods learn policy instead of estimating values. While they have their strengths they are very limting when the dataset is large as iterating over all the items in a large dataset can take a lot of memory.

Actor-Critic Methods: Actor-Critic Methods combine the advantages of both value-based and policy-based approaches. They use two components: the actor, which updates the policy directly, and the critic, which evaluates the actions taken by the actor. This dual approach helps in improving the efficiency of learning by leveraging both value estimations and policy optimizations.

RL Algorithms: Your Arsenal for Intelligent Decision-Making

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of RL algorithms. These algorithms are the tools that enable agents to learn and make intelligent decisions. We will explore three main categories of RL algorithms that are widely used in practice:

1. Value-Based Methods

Value-based methods focus on estimating the value of being in a certain state or taking a specific action. These methods help the agent determine which actions are most beneficial based on the expected rewards.

Q-Learning: This is the poster child of value-based methods. It is a model-free algorithm that learns the value of actions in different states without needing a model of the environment.

import numpy as np
# Initialize Q-table
Q = np.zeros([state_space, action_space])
# Q-learning algorithm
def q_learning(state, action, reward, next_state):
old_value = Q[state, action]
next_max = np.max(Q[next_state])
new_value = (1 - alpha) * old_value + alpha * (reward + gamma * next_max)
Q[state, action] = new_value

In this code snippet, the Q-table is initialized to zero, and the Q-learning algorithm updates the value of the action taken in a given state based on the received reward and the maximum expected future rewards.

2. Policy-Based Methods

Policy-based methods directly optimize the policy without relying on a value function. These methods focus on finding the best action to take in a given state based on a learned policy.

REINFORCE: This is a classic policy gradient method that updates the policy based on the rewards received.

def reinforce(policy_network, optimizer, states, actions, rewards):
discounted_rewards = calculate_discounted_rewards(rewards)

for t in range(len(states)):
state = states[t]
action = actions[t]

log_prob = policy_network(state).log_prob(action)
loss = -log_prob * discounted_rewards[t]


In this example, the REINFORCE algorithm calculates the discounted rewards and updates the policy network based on the log probability of the actions taken, ensuring that actions leading to higher rewards are reinforced.

3. Actor-Critic Methods

Actor-Critic methods combine the best of both worlds — value-based and policy-based approaches. These methods utilize two components: an actor that suggests actions and a critic that evaluates them.

A2C (Advantage Actor-Critic): This is a popular actor-critic algorithm that uses the advantage function to improve learning efficiency.

def a2c_update(actor, critic, optimizer, states, actions, rewards, next_states):
values = critic(states)
next_values = critic(next_states)

advantages = calculate_advantages(rewards, values, next_values)

actor_loss = -(actor(states).log_prob(actions) * advantages).mean()
critic_loss = F.mse_loss(values, rewards + gamma * next_values)

loss = actor_loss + critic_loss

In this code, the A2C algorithm updates both the actor and the critic based on the calculated advantages, allowing for more effective learning and decision-making.

In conclusion, Reinforcement Learning is a powerful tool that enables agents to learn from their experiences and make intelligent decisions. By understanding the core concepts and algorithms, you can harness the potential of RL in various applications, paving the way for innovative solutions in technology and beyond. As you continue your journey in mastering RL, remember that practice and experimentation are key to becoming proficient in this exciting field. Happy coding!



Simon Bergeron

I'm a mathematician turned computer science student with a growing passion for AI. Currently immersed in the world of artificial intelligence through TKS.